Artist FAQs

We have summarized the most important questions and answers about your appearance on artboxONE for you - from the artwork upload to marketing, you will find the most important information for your success in our shop here.

artwork upload

How do I upload a design?

Log into the artist account, then click on the artworks tab and click artworks in the selection. Then click on the button: Add artwork and fill in the fields. An upload window will appear below.

What file requirements do I need to meet?

  • min. 2500pxl on the shortest and max. 8000pxl on the longest side
  • exact aspect ratio: 2:3; 3:2; 1:1; 3:5
  • Format: jpg and png (for mugs)
  • max. 50mb
  • 72dpi
  • Color space: rgb

Common upload errors

  • If the Image Cropper works (means the motif does not have an exact aspect ratio), then please crop accordingly.

Sometimes just a little trimming is enough.

  • If an error message occurs because the title of the artwork has already been assigned, then: Go back (arrow) until you are back on the editing page and adjust the name. Usually the file has to be added again.

Then save. The motif should now be uploaded.

What do I have to consider when uploading a motif?

  • The title can contain a maximum of 35 characters.

  • For the type, please think carefully about what best suits the artwork.

  • Specify a maximum of 5 pieces in the categories --> Please only use the categories: letters if the artwork is a letter, e.g. a capital "A".

  • Specify a maximum of 3 pieces for the colors --> please do not enter "colorful" if there are 3 clear colors in the artwork. This is not helpful for the search.

  • Only 15 tags may be used at a time. Please do not use double tags, only one word per tag. The tags should be well chosen to best describe your subject. The customer should also be able to find the motif.

  • Please upload all aspect ratios under one artwork.

  • It makes sense to upload motif series. With 12 artworks I can create a calendar from them. I can create a calendar for you if you want. In this case, please send an email to with the links to the 12 motifs, information on which artwork should be the title page (must be one of the 12 artworks), and please state which artwork should be used for which month.

How are calendars provisioned?

Calendars are always provisioned pro rata. This means, for example, that 1 motif of yours in a calendar is commissioned as follows: VK net net * 1/12 = xy --> xy * 0.08 (at 8% commission) = commission paid. The cover photo is not provisioned. If you have a calendar created exclusively with your motifs, you will of course receive the commission on the full net sales price. That should be self explanatory.

How do I tag so that my designs are best found in the shop?

See: Crash course: How to tag

Why should I also upload PNGs?

The PNGs are needed so that the artworks can go online on products that require a transparent background, e.g. mugs.

Is it possible to submit an existing artwork in better quality?

No. If you want to upload the artwork again, please send an email to with the note: Please deactivate artwork xy. Then you can upload the artwork again. Please note that the database recognizes when an artwork that was already online is uploaded again. Then an error message appears. Please change the format (the pixels). The artwork should then go online again without any problems.

Can I delete my designs myself?

No. If an artwork should be deleted, please send an email to

Is it possible to specify artworks for certain products only?

Yes. If an artwork should not appear on a certain material for certain reasons, please send an email to Basically, all artworks that are uploaded go online on all available products. An exception are passepartout and canvas. Here, artworks can be deactivated manually if there is too much trimming. However, this will be checked by me during the exam.

How long does it take for my designs to be available online in the shop?

After approval by the artist, the artworks go through the process of voting and text checking and then go online in the shop and on Amazon. The product import takes place immediately after the text check has been completed. You can find your new artworks in your artist account or under new products. There is no product import at the weekend. Mugs are currently imported separately and do not automatically go online.

How does the approval process work?

Approved artworks are first voted on, whereby it is checked whether the artwork suits the target group and what the quality of the artwork is. In addition, it is checked on which products the artwork can go online. The title, description, categorization and tags are then checked as part of the text check. The artwork is then imported into the shop. The import takes place every day except for weekends and public holidays.

How is art buying based on the selection of motifs?

The selection of artworks depends on whether they fit the target group and meet the requirements. If you have any further or specific questions, please send an email to

Why was my theme deactivated?

If your theme has been deactivated, it means that it doesn't meet the requirements or that it's a license-critical theme.

What happens if an artwork is rejected?

If a design has been rejected, it will not appear in the shop. In your account you can usually find a reason why it was rejected next to the artwork. If you have any further questions, please send an email to

Your artist profile

How do I see what I've sold?

In the artist account you will find the queue under Payouts, which shows you how much you have currently earned. Note: the amount increases with sales, but can also decrease if products are returned. From an earnings of at least €100, the credit will be created at the end of the month or at the beginning of the following month and the earnings will be paid out. After the credit is created, the amount in the queue drops back to €0. The statement appears under the queue under the Payouts tab and can be downloaded both as a PDF and as a CSV. As a rule, we also send a message with the billing via email.

When will I receive my payout?

Payment is made after the credit has been created, around the end of the month/beginning of the following month. It is paid out from a minimum earnings of 100€.

Your success at artboxONE

How can I better market my artworks myself?

See: Tips & Tricks: How to market yourself

How do I find out which artworks are currently in trend?

You are welcome to take a look at our bestsellers. You can also write to and we will help you.

Any Questions ?

Our art buyer will be happy to help you. Just send him an email to and he will get in touch with you soon.